Thursday, February 1, 2007

The adventure to succeed

I wanted to react to Sam's comment to my last posting, but i might just as well make a new posting of it. :-)

True. Things are not so strictly organised in Iran as they are here in NL and everytime it will be a challenge to get things done without letting the 'insh'allah' way get to me. What a nice way to put it; 'the adventure to succeed'. I'm glad i've experienced this before. Living for 18 months in Qatar and of course visiting Indonesia, i've had my share.

Knowing that i will encounter many, many more of these kinds of events, in Iran and after, it's good to remember this feeling of letting go. I'm not the type to sit back and wait, but the space created by letting go gives me energy to do other things. I will get a lot of opportunities in the future to practice this lesson.

My greatest challenge is more in the personal part of controlling. It's easier to let go knowing there is no possibility of influencing the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It's less easy to let go when you yourself are the main player in the part. As if you don't have enough faith in yourself and the universe.

Just an example; writing a long and very personal e-mail, putting a few direct questions in it to emphasize the need for respond and expecting an immediate reaction in the same mode of sharing. And of course feel not in control while waiting for the reply, not realising that it is a way of manipulation. Seems small, but that is where it starts.

Success in the adventure for me, is to let go and have faith. I am happy to say that i've had some success in it already. Of course i got a little agitated when i heard last evening that i'm not flying today. I'm still human! But still, i know i will be with Are soon and in the mean time i take my time to relax and do some reading. It's all good.

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