When i came to Iran a little more than five weeks ago, i felt it was, again, something new. I say 'again' because everything has been new since... well actually, everything always is new. Lets say that it felt as a new step in something that has been growing for a while.I was excited and confident, yet very much aware that it was going to be an intense time. Not only starting a life with Are, but also starting life in a new country.
When i left for Doha two years ago, it felt like an adventure, knowing that it was a temporary thing, that after a while i would be living in NL again. It went smoothly and i had a great time there.Coming to Iran, even though i only had visa for 45 days, knowing that i would have to go back to NL after that, it felt so much more definite.And it seemed to have two reasons.
Since i came back to NL last summer, i've grown so much closer to my friends and family. Not only did i spend more time withthe people i love, the people that mean so much to me. I feel that i have opened up more, that the connections were more deepened,that there was such wonderful sharing. It was beautiful. I feel that this time i was leaving so much more behind, or as Esther rephrased that 'that i'm taking more with me'.
The other reason is that i realised that Iran is the first stop in this new life. After Iran there will most likely be a new project for Are, in a new country, with a new culture, in which ever corner of the world. And start over again from scratch every time. Of course i will come back to NL, but not to live permanently, at least not within the coming few years. Sounds exciting, but it's not always easy.
Yes, it has been an intense time. I had to find my way in a new city, find my way in social life, fill in my days and start life with Are. I did my Reiki Master Practitioner course just before i left for Iran. I had to find my way in that new state of being too. The first few weeks i really needed the time to myself, and i had plenty of that. But now i'm starting to miss the personal contact, the personal interaction. Not only do i miss my friends and family, i haven't built a social life in Iran yet.
But it has mostly been wonderful. This time with Are, just be together, hanging out, going out. I've learned so much, not just from my study books. About myself, who i am, about life, about what i want, about Are, about us. Iran is an interesting country itself, even staying in, i have never had a boring day. I love being here, i've been working hard, enjoying even more. Yes, it's wonderful, life is wonderful.
Tonight i'm flying back to NL, fleeing Norooz, have a medical treatment, renew my visa, staying until after Easter. I'm so looking forward to see my friends again, being able to hang out, drink coffee (or hot water in my case), the long chats. My girls!
On the other hand, i ask myself if the timing is right. I've just come out of my cocooning period, should start to go out more and start create a social life if i want to be able to make it here. And i will miss Are very much. Is it good to be apart for a month when we are just starting? We're just setting a foundation, should we not build on it now? Is this the time to leave home? I wonder...