Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This morning i was supposed to wake up in Tehran with Are, in our apartment looking over the city in the front, supported by the snowy mountains in the back. Fact is that i woke up alone, in Oegstgeest in the attic of my parents house in the Netherlands. My visa had been delayed.

Iran is known for having the most religious holidays in the world. Funny how i always feel that all the superlatives used in describing anything in this country are highly exaggerated. Not this one. I guess it's a good way to keep religion strong by giving everybody another day off.

The visa process already takes two weeks, with both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iran and the Embassy here in NL closed, it takes almost three weeks. There's no reason that my visa application should be rejected, but you never know. I hope to hear good news from my agency today and fly tomorrow. We'll see.

I really, really want to go and join Are in Tehran. I realised that a month, knowing that we will be really together by then, is about the maximum amount of time i can handle to be apart. If it takes longer, it becomes painful. We just passed over a month now. I still have a peaceful mind, but it feels that it is time to go.

However, when i heard about my visa being delayed, i did not freak on it. Yes, that surprised me too. And even now that i am waiting to hear whether i can fly tomorrow, i am at ease. There's no way of influencing it anyhow. I cannot plan anything, i haven't even started packing yet. The question 'what if?' is far to be seen.

This doesn't seem like the wanting-to-control-things me. I have this strong sense that it will all work out for the good. Or maybe i am still stoned from my Reiki IIIA course. Of course i want to be woken up by the news that i can pick up my passport this afternoon and fly tomorrow. Either way, i like this state of mind. To be at ease. To have faith.

In a way it feels like i am being tested. Not wanting to control things is one of the life lessons i'm dealing with now and this particular event makes me very confident. It will also help me in Iran, or wherever outside the Western world, where people have a more laid back way of dealing with things. This may seem like a small thing, but it effects the whole energy flow. Yes, i am learning and i feel good.



Anonymous said...


Balen dat je visa nog niet rond is zeg! Hoop dat je snel kunt gaan...

Dian Gaustad said...

Hoop het ook!
Ben maar wel vast begonnen met inpakken :-)

Anonymous said...

Dat lijkt me wel enigszins verstandig :-)

Dian Gaustad said...

Met als gevolg dat ik nu schrik dat ik niet alles in die koffer, laat staan binnen die 30kg krijg... waaah!!

Anonymous said...

Heb je inmiddels al groen licht gekregen? En is je koffer gevuld en dicht? Hou die 'go with the flow'-flow nog maar lekker vast, net zoals ik al een tijdje probeer. Maar van het weekend heb ik ECHT niets te doen, dus dan gaat het vast lukken :)

Goede reis!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dian,

Ik wil n stukje achterlaten op je blog maar ik weet niet hoe.

Ik wilde het volgende zeggen.

Heel gaaf dat je deze blog begonnen bent n iedereen op de hoogte houdt van je avonturen. Je eerste is een tijdje geleden begonnen met Qatar lees ik. Het niet lukken is ook n avontuur. Zoals je hebt gezien is het niet lukken vaak ook niet controleerbaar. Hiermee bedoel ik de vrije dagen die ze zomaar inlassen in Iran. Wat je wellicht al weet is het in Iran niet allemaal zo netjes en strak georganiseerd als in Nederland. Wat ik daarmee bedoel is als je ooit met iets te maken krijgt waarbij je een overheids instantie nodig ebt dan moet je je alvast instellen dat je van het kastje naar het muurtje wordt gestuurd. Laat
ik het zo zeggen; jou behoefte om alles te controleren zal in dit land op de proef worden gesteld.

Wat ik je nog meer wil vertellen is dat ik nu in nederland ben maar nog steeds plat lig omdat mijn been nog niet is genezen (nu al meer dan 2 mnd) maar dat ik mijn meisje in Iran heel erg mis. Jij bent nu net langer dan 1 maand gescheiden ik nu ook n zoals het er naar uit ziet duurt het nog minimaal 2 maanden. Dit is echt heel zwaar, mocht je nog goeie raad hebben dan hoor ik dat graag.
Gelukkig ga je je mannetje wel snel zien n dat is toch wel heel leuk.

Ik wens heel veel plezier n dat je maar heel snel je antwoord krijgt.


Dian Gaustad said...

Dear Sam,

Thanks for your comment. I wrote a new posting on it :-)

I can imagine that this is a difficult situation for you. Still recovering in NL from your car accident that happened in Iran, not being able to move around because of your leg, far away from your love for a month already and atleast two more to go.

What about your adventure to succeed? This is also a situation you can not control or manipulate. How are you dealing with this?

I hope you can find a way for yourself to get through this. Maybe find a new interest you can get inspiration from? A strong heart and a positive mind are most important for your healing process. How is contact with your love in Iran?

I'm not sure if i have tips for you. Find what you need for yourself. Let love be stronger in your heart than pain. Have faith.

Easy to say, i know. Try to use the distance to become closer. You will find your way in that. You know that this distance is only temporary and so is the recovery.

It sucks, but make the best of it. You need to recover before you can travel, so begin your healing journey within. It starts with giving in.

If i can be of any help, maybe get something to your girl in Iran, maybe some Reiki, maybe reading tips, please let me know...

Hope to see you on your feet soon, but take your time.

Take care, be good,
