Just two hours from Tehran and a beautiful ride will get you to one
of Iran's best skiing resorts; Dizin.
I've only been on a winter sports vacation once before and that was
no great succes. But hey, who says you shouldn't try twice!
I was afraid that i would be afraid again.
The higher we got in the mountains, the more anxious i got,
though mostly in a positive way.
Are is very much at home in the snow and on the mountains
and Safa was a skiing instructor before he became a chauffeur.
That was comforting.
From what i hear, we were incredibly lucky with the weather;
fresh snow, bright sun, no wind. It was indeed fantastic.
And it was good that a local instructor came up to us
to teach me how to ski that morning.
That gave the men the opportunity to have their own snow fun
on this beautiful day in Dizin.
My instructor only spoke Farsi. And i, well... i don't.
Communicating was a bit funny and at one point
i got very frustrated because i felt i was doing something wrong,
but couldn't explain it to him.
He was very patient tough, and did get me to ski. I was so excited!!
I fell quite a few times, but no bruises and it did not hurt at all.
I realise that i was not afraid to fall, but got scared when i felt loosing
control over the speed, which made it too difficult for me to steer.
So i just dropped myself to give myself a break. How metaforical!
So second time winter sports was a succes.
Now I really want to get a hang of this. It's great!
Perhaps next weekend we can stay over in Dizin.
By that time i should have recovered from the muscle ache
and ready to go again...
of Iran's best skiing resorts; Dizin.
I've only been on a winter sports vacation once before and that was
no great succes. But hey, who says you shouldn't try twice!
I was afraid that i would be afraid again.
The higher we got in the mountains, the more anxious i got,
though mostly in a positive way.
Are is very much at home in the snow and on the mountains
and Safa was a skiing instructor before he became a chauffeur.
That was comforting.
From what i hear, we were incredibly lucky with the weather;
fresh snow, bright sun, no wind. It was indeed fantastic.
And it was good that a local instructor came up to us
to teach me how to ski that morning.
That gave the men the opportunity to have their own snow fun
on this beautiful day in Dizin.
My instructor only spoke Farsi. And i, well... i don't.
Communicating was a bit funny and at one point
i got very frustrated because i felt i was doing something wrong,
but couldn't explain it to him.
He was very patient tough, and did get me to ski. I was so excited!!
I fell quite a few times, but no bruises and it did not hurt at all.
I realise that i was not afraid to fall, but got scared when i felt loosing
control over the speed, which made it too difficult for me to steer.
So i just dropped myself to give myself a break. How metaforical!
So second time winter sports was a succes.
Now I really want to get a hang of this. It's great!
Perhaps next weekend we can stay over in Dizin.
By that time i should have recovered from the muscle ache
and ready to go again...
Bergen joepie! Sneeuw joepie!
Ik kan nog steeds niet op jouw Live Journal komen :'(
Ga nog eens proberen om door de censuur heen te breken...
Heee! Ik vond het de eerste keer ook best eng maar merkte ook al dat het zeker, als het eenmaal lukt, tof moet zijn! Ik hoop ook snel weer eens de sneeuw op te zoeken. Want met die temperaturen hier... geen sneeuw meer dit jaar vermoed ik :-(
Ga je volgende keer proberen te boarden? Vond ik erg leuk!
Blijft lente?? Hier afwisselend... sommige dagen is het hier 16 graden, andere dagen sneeuwt het in de ochtend, in de middag smelt alles bij een graad of 10.
In de bergen genoeg sneeuw en er komt wekelijks een verse laag op, jeej!!
Donderdag weer geskied en ik maak vooruitgang :-) En ik denk dat ik het lekker bij skien houd...
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